Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lemmings and clowns

That's what we all are. Lemmings or clowns. Sometimes both. We spend our lives either following each other off a cliff or trying to impress each other. I'm not gonna lie, I try and impress people, but that's because I'm afraid of heights.

I apologize for the somber thought, but it's the truth. Most people waste their life away by emulating the traits of others. Destroying ourseklves because the ones around us do.

Then the clowns who dance and sing for the lemmings. Trying to impress them so they feel accepted. Crying on the inside whle they laugh on the outside. Not a glorious profression, but better than death.

So, are you a clown or a lemming?

1 comment:

PiousMage said...

Depressed much? Seriously, have a little faith in mankind. One day we will see the error of a our ways and do what we were ment to do.

Live life.

I shuoldn't have to explain the comment to you. However, I worry about you, comrade. Your last few posts have been unlike you, save for CUF. Yes, we act like five year olds, barbarians, sheep, lemmings, clowns, dogs, ass, and anything else you care to compare us too. But keep in mind the last catagory.


There are those of us who act like we should and know what we are doing. We do not let emotion get the best of us and live life logically (contrary to popular belief, my life choices are based just as much on logic as faith).

Yes, this world would be better with some people missing, we cannot, however, do that. The ideas that I have would make this world prosper. Not everyone agrees with these, therefore, they will not work. Men are like racoons more than anything else. They reached in to grab something shiney and refuse to let go escape the trap.