Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Higher power....

I was browsing the commetnts of my blog posts when i cam across this...

"My thoughts: How is the human mind, as complex and calculating as it is, NOT created by a higher power?"

I did note in my first blog post, a long time ago, that I would hit up on the topic of Religion every once and awhile, so let's talk about creationism shall we?

Now, alot of faiths come back to creationism (from the earliest tribalism all the way to the most modern sub-factions of Christianity and Islam) coming back to the idea that we, and everything, was created by some amount of overseeing force. Let's use the example of "God" (the one god, the only god, the almighty, etc.) because single deity creationism is the most popular style of Religion these days (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all using this).

Belief there is one supe mega ultra impossible-to-understand unseen unhamn unknown beyond reach infinite power with or without a form which created the universe and/or controls it like a puppet master controls it's puppets. None of us have ever seen this power for over 2000 years (and some faiths believe we've never seen or heard from it period) but it's definitively there. the justification of it being there is that we're here and we had to come from somewhere.

Like, afterall, the idea that a little bit if matter got out of hand is too far-fetched to believe. But there is definitively an unseen force in an undefined plain of existance that created everything in 7 days and decided that only one being/race should be greater than all the rest is perfect logic.

No wait, God created everything in 6 days then rested for a day, my bad.

Anyway, in my personal opinion, chance is a more logical and believable theory on our existance than an almighty force we've never seen or clearly defined.

Citing epicurus:
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?"

This is a little bit of golden information that ancient greek philosphy has brougth us. Look at it carefully, read it a few times, and think. It discusses the possiblilities of God and the ideals around God. I believe this to be relivent to the argument at hand. Afterall, is God is, what is God?

In a closing note I would like to leave this final comment. I do not deeply believe in a God nor do I believe in no God. I've never mat 'em so I'll say God's not here. But, I'm not as old as the universe.

If god wanted us to believe in God's presence, God would make sure we knew God was here,

1 comment:

PiousMage said...

I doubt I can change your opinion on religion. And I bet that if I tried my best to answer a few questions I'd just raise more.

"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?"

Think for a moment my friend. Why would God get off his cloud to stop something that we, as humans, could stop ourselves? God does not create evil humans do. It is a problem we have created and it is a problem that we must fix, wether you are relious or not. You are a man of great intelligence. If we all, Caatholics, Jews, Hindus, and especially atheists, stopped trying to discredit the other and focused on making life better for all, then evil will cease to exist.

It is my belief that things happened too perfectly for it to be chance. Lets take sex for example, everybody likes sex. What happens when a man and a woman have sex? Nine months later a baby is born. Now, logic is telling me that if this is what happens when two people have sex, then this is what sex is for. How is it that only two genders were made? Isn't it more efficiant for a being to asexually reproduce?

Look at a setting sun, a new born, look at how perfect our world really is.

I believe the arguement will get down to prove that God exsists and prove that God doesn't exsist.

If you truly want evil to become a thing of the past, stop discrediting religion and start living life accepting all. And the pedophile priest jokes are getting old. Try something new for a change.