Friday, February 6, 2009

CUF: A simple assumption

Well, Valentines Day is coming up, and so is Friday the 13th. One right before the other (but not in the order which I stated them). I have one little observation about this...


See, follow me on this. Friday the 13th is a day notorious for bad luck and such. I would assume that would mean a few arguments and sour relationships. But the Valentines Day right after it would remind all thos people of love and such things. so they all get happy and together. Then, with the variable of how many couples engage in makeup sex (which one would assume is very high), you can safely say there'll be alot of fucking going on.

And not just that normal "Happy Valentines Day, check out my new edible underwear" fucking that comes with the time of year, but wild crazy makeup sex.

If the Earth tarts a rockin', don't come a knockin'

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