Monday, February 2, 2009

The Harvest Moon Hypothesis of Love

Harvest Moon, nice little video game.

Anyway, the hypothesis is that all women like you equally (and minimally) when they first meet you. You spend a long time giving one gifts, talking with them, sharing emotions, etc. after long enough, they love you.

Does this apply to reality?

I am considering testing this theory. not yet, I'd have to gather more supplies, information, and such. But one day.

Now, the main problem is vanity, will vanity be a variable or a constant? Will judgment of appearance overshadow kindness and good will? My thesis is yes, but we'll wait and see.

So, this experiment WILL be carried out in the future, hopefully this blog will still be around for me to share the process and results. In the meantime, I would love initial input and theories from other people.


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