Saturday, November 15, 2008

I kissed a WHARGRBL

So there''s this song see. It's a pretty gay song actually. It's called "I kissed a girl" and it's about a super sneaky lesbian. The song itself is a horribly transparent reproduction of the standard shit that is spewed out of record companies these days. The worst part is because it's popular music [1] it's not going away. Clogging up the radio (the ONLY radio station in this town by the way) and overflowing the dances and public get togethers. Sure lesbians are hot, but there music is not.

Apparently a background beat ( I could make myself) that loops constantly coupled with sensual lyrics counts as gret music these days. What a shame really. Sure it's good because now anyone with a D-cup bra and singing lessons can be a star but honestly, what the hell?

So I'm gonna go polish my axe and maybe I'll be able to talk some sense into the artist who made this song.


[1]Any music made to suit a video idea, or music that contain more cleavage than lyrics.

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