Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bubble buster

So yeah. alot of people seem to have this social safety bubble. holding onto a single ideal to protect them from the world. Pretty shameful really. a few key points why...

-How do you know something will be bad if you never try?

-Not everybody is the same, there are plenty of possible outcomes to an action.

-Bubble people are no fun.

So let's examine these carefully. First and foremost "How do you know...". Seriously. you've got tons of people afraid to get into a relationship for no reason. There's plenty of great people and things out there. Pop your goddammed bubble and try something new.

Next, "Not everybody's the same...". Pretty simple really. everyone sems to think the same thing will happen every time you do something. No it won't. Lots of different people out there. Try once, try again, try forever and you'll succeed.

Finally, "Bubble people are no fun". Not a crack at the greatly ill, but rather a statement about the kind of people i'm talking about. Seriously, hiding is no fun, people aren't out there looking for you.

So basically, pop the bubble, break down the walls, don't assume outcomes, have some fun, try something new.

I can think of at least 5 people who should be reading this...


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