Friday, January 30, 2009

CUF: Madness?

Oh how I love completely unrelated Friday... and with all this love I should offer something crazy and depressing, well, depressing to some (beautiful to me)

My take on the end of the human race!

The way I see it, the human race wont end with an alien invasion or a meteor or global warming or the LHC consuming the planet in strange matter, oh no no, I see the world ending in worldwide madness. GLOBAL PANDEMONIUM, MUAHAHAHA!

You see, every year, murders get more brutal and people get a little crazier. sometimes people just snap and do crazy things. Often they blame society. so if more people become crazy, then society as a whole becomes crazier, and more people become crazy, it's cyclical.

So, insanity grows at an exponential rate. now what? Murders and lootings! That's what.

I predict that everyone just goes bat shit insane over the span of 5 years and we all kill eachother. Not much we can do, authority becomes corrupted and chaos rules.

Grab ye some popcorn, we're in for a show!

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