Monday, April 26, 2010

Standard Issue "OMG IM SORY 4 NOT POSTING!!!1!1!" post.

Hyello all,
It's been a while since I've updated eh? Well, I was busy BECOMING A MAN. Well, not really. But the awkward 17-18 year old phase of one's life, coupled with depression can really keep you occupied. But I think I've got my time managed enough now to bring this baby back to life.

So let's bring this back with some explaining, for our slower readers out there.

1. This blog is my wacky wacky opinions and ideas about life. Topics usually reflect how I'm feeling that instant so if I say something stupid, don't hunt me down. Mind you, I always mean what I say and I'm usually too stubborn to change my opinion. Also, I'm a genius.

2. CUF: Completely Unrelated Fridays. Every Friday's post is complete and utter nonesense. Enjoy.

3. I usually update during the day, 12-8ish I suppose. AST. Mind you check the same time every day and you should see a new post.

4. There will be days without entries, some people on the internet have lives (OMG What!?!). My life isn't very lively, but some days I won't even touch the internet, so yeah.

5. You have to sign up to Blogger to comment, which isn't a great system, but eh, it keeps spam out.

So with all that out of the way, see you all tomorrow!

P.S. Oh, and to leave you all with something philosophical for the day, strippers are probably the smartest people in the world.

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