Monday, May 3, 2010

A jealous and Vengeful God you Say?

Personally, I've never liked the modern depiction of a single deity. This "God" fellow with infinite and unimaginable strength, infinites wisdom, flawless intelligence, perfect omnipresence, etc. He (I think most holy texts say "he", so I'll play along) is a jealous and vengeful god.

I'm not a deity of eternal perfection, but I'm pretty sure Vengeance is a deadly sin, and Jealousy is just, for a lack of a better term, retarded.

Now, don't get me wrong, I neither confirm nor deny the existence of a god, or multiple gods (Fence sitting, oh yeah!) but I certainly don't believe in this concept.

To quote Inherit the Wind... "God created Man in his image, Man then returned the favour". I think that sums up this era's deity. Of course the Romans did this too, but to a greater extent. Lust and greed upon them.

So, let's see what God comes in the year 5000.


1 comment:

FlyingGiraffe said...

Oh wow, I only just realized you were doing these again. Awesome!