Saturday, February 14, 2009

It's that time of year....

Febuary 14th, a day to celebrate "love" and to give something special to someone special. Because, obviously, not everyone is special >_>

Well, I have a little proposition for all my fine readers out there. See, today is also the day that single people feel sad and more alone than ever. Hell, even couples feel alone at times. So, I have a little job for you all. Find someone, anyone, and tell them you care. You care that they exist or something like that. Just tell them, or show them.

I scratched together a little present in MicroSoft Paint for my ex-girlfriend and sent it to her. A simple gesture with a big thought. I may also take the time to tell more people that I care, get so they know. Because I care about everyone really.

So, everyone try and enjoy today, one way or another. I'll be playing Starcraft to curb my loneliness and insomnia. I would recommend that every else finds something to do. It's gonna be a long day but we'll all get through it.


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