Thursday, February 26, 2009

Drum Beat

Like our heart, a drum does keep a rhythm. Like our heart each beat is as important as the last. In every song and in every day we hear the rhythm. A thump, a tick, a blast. We hear it every time we are anything but we don't listen. Rather we wait for when we hear silence. When we hear silence, the song is over.

I wouldn't say silence is the worst thing to hear from our drums and our hearts. Afterall, we don't hear the silence, we only feel it. We don't even feel it, we just feel tension and nervousness when the silence comes. Or we just feel dead.

The silence is a scary thing, that's why I like to hear a drum beat.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Experiment failed

*kicks desk*

This sucks. My experiment based around the "Harvest Moon Hypothesis of Love" has been compromised. The subject has discovered her noteworthy symbolism.


Results would be inaccurate and possibly melded. So the experiment is off. No more than 1 month after it began no less.

I would like to apologize to all my readers for this setback. I suppose the nature of affection won't be understood for a little while longer.

Suggestions for new sociological experiments will be considered and encouraged.


P.S. :/

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Subtlety is not my forte





Monday, February 23, 2009


I believe that all arguments should have some sort of mediator involved, unless they're fun arguments of course.

But like, two people have a serious argument and get mad at each other because they both think they're right. not a very happy ending y'know? A judge or a mediator should just appear in a puff of smoke or on a motorcycle whenever two people start fighting.

But that can't happen.

So, whenever two people are fighting, one should take the liberty to call in a third party. It'd be a really appropriate measure to take. That way when two are arguing, they can get some logical input from time to time, rather than chucking insults and yelling.

Afterall, if you're so right about what you're saying, a mediator will only help right?

Friday, February 20, 2009

CUF: Maybe we could make it work the other way around...

Y'know how in all those crazy sci-fi movies you get a man building a robot? What if we could build a robot that could bio-engineer a human being? What would that be like?

Like, would there be robots protesting that they shouldn't be playing God? Would it be a way to save the human race after a robot holocaust? Would the human feel like some sort of useless machine? Would there be 3 laws of human construction?

I mean, we can build simply assembly robots, and we can engineer viruses and DNA... Why not huh? We'll build robots that can build humans. Serious business...

I need a women so I have less time to think about this shit :/

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Real fur is still being sold?

Really now? It's not the 1700's. We aren't primitive in the field of science nor freezing cold. I can't think of anything to justify using real fur these days. Other than maybe rich dumb people buying name brands.

Seriously, it's not like we're getting meat from any of these animals. It's not like they're menaces either. Just killing in the name of fashion. And what fashion be that? Not a very clever one, nor new. Perhaps just the fashion of money.

Fuck you capitalism.

Anyway, there really is no need. I mean leather ain't too bad, they use the meat and stuff of the cows. But fur in general just doesn't seem quite right. Y'know, a waste of life really (and money too). So, I'll take faux fur if any and a leather jacket to spoil myself.

I'm not one to rant or rave save the animals, but I'm kind enough to hate a waste. So be nice and forget fur. Let's just let them frolic around what's left of the forests and enjoy our own life, in normal jackets.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Cracking up

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. He may have felt some confidence, maybe a bit of happiness. He was hoping for someone to see him maybe?

Humpty dumpty had a great fall. Or perhaps he just wanted to fall? I know I once stood on a ledge, made a thought, and fell. Fell into my deepest hole, or even in pices.

All the kings horses and all the kings men could never put him back together again. I'm still not fully healed, and no one seemed to be able to help me. What a shame. I was almost complete but then I was smashed like a bowl of eggs...


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

3 by me

Today, coming to a departement or video store near you, Religulous.

Bill Maher does a great job studying the idea of Religion, worldwide, and in-depth while being the hilarious man he is.

Which has inspired me to list my 3 most favourite movies of all time.

#3 - Dan in Real Life
So much beauty to this story. No one could give this man any straight advice and he suffered a fate we can all relate to. Complicated and straight forward, a little charming too. For sure it is win.

#2 - Batman: The Dark Knight
This movie is what every other movie tries to be but can't. Epic, beautiful, complex, intense, grand, and perfect. The characters had so much to them (The Joker was the best written character I've ever seen or read into). Everything flowed and kept me on the edge of my seat.

#1 - The Usual Suspects
Perfect story. It spins a tale of treachery, mystery, crime and bloodshed. Wove around a man you never hear of through the mouth of a fearful suspect. It's intense and in depth. Then the ending simply blows you away. Best movie of all time.


Monday, February 16, 2009

Off day

Nothing to bitch about toay folks, well plenty, but this blog isn't about me.

Sorry for the lack of update, I guess.

See you all tomorrow.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lemmings and clowns

That's what we all are. Lemmings or clowns. Sometimes both. We spend our lives either following each other off a cliff or trying to impress each other. I'm not gonna lie, I try and impress people, but that's because I'm afraid of heights.

I apologize for the somber thought, but it's the truth. Most people waste their life away by emulating the traits of others. Destroying ourseklves because the ones around us do.

Then the clowns who dance and sing for the lemmings. Trying to impress them so they feel accepted. Crying on the inside whle they laugh on the outside. Not a glorious profression, but better than death.

So, are you a clown or a lemming?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

It's that time of year....

Febuary 14th, a day to celebrate "love" and to give something special to someone special. Because, obviously, not everyone is special >_>

Well, I have a little proposition for all my fine readers out there. See, today is also the day that single people feel sad and more alone than ever. Hell, even couples feel alone at times. So, I have a little job for you all. Find someone, anyone, and tell them you care. You care that they exist or something like that. Just tell them, or show them.

I scratched together a little present in MicroSoft Paint for my ex-girlfriend and sent it to her. A simple gesture with a big thought. I may also take the time to tell more people that I care, get so they know. Because I care about everyone really.

So, everyone try and enjoy today, one way or another. I'll be playing Starcraft to curb my loneliness and insomnia. I would recommend that every else finds something to do. It's gonna be a long day but we'll all get through it.


Friday, February 13, 2009

CUF: Space Debris

I honestly didn't prepare anything for this CUF that hasn't been said already... so have some space debris.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Look carefully, find the secret message....

Do not think i'm stealing it,
Or you or me or even the world.
Not that I'd ever take something,
To prove that I deserve it.

Deciding upon acts of good,
Enough to compress my malevolence.
Never to show what I want,
You see, I act kind for thee.

Maybe one day I'll just take,
Eat away my gluttony and steal all else.

Might do that one day, but not now.
You know me as kind, and that's what I'll be.

Reaching for the door so you don't have to,
Enclosing my evil and emulating my kindness.
Waiting for the day I get what I want,
And never simply taking it from someone else.
Reliving my past and,
Dreaming for the future.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Temps de Chien

Bad times are befalling us.

The economy is sliding down the sink and crimes are becoming more violent. Love is being turned into a digusting display of primal instincts and education is becoming an afterthought in life. Madness is slowly ensuing while idealists are running our countries. But the worst of all and the deepest wound...

Everyone is taking everything way too seriously.

Everyone is trying to get what they want, when the want it, and threatening violence for a lack of reward. Stories of violence over arbitrary desires. Threatening to kill another or even ourselves over unjustified punishment.

What, are we all 5 year olds, are we all barbarians? Hitting eachother because we don't get what we want? What the hell is all this? Fighting over women (or men), fighting over words, fighting over bloody words! "He/she is saying bad things about me, I should punch them". Seriously, what the FUCK is that?

Bloody world is going to the bloody birds... it's all garbage.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Higher power....

I was browsing the commetnts of my blog posts when i cam across this...

"My thoughts: How is the human mind, as complex and calculating as it is, NOT created by a higher power?"

I did note in my first blog post, a long time ago, that I would hit up on the topic of Religion every once and awhile, so let's talk about creationism shall we?

Now, alot of faiths come back to creationism (from the earliest tribalism all the way to the most modern sub-factions of Christianity and Islam) coming back to the idea that we, and everything, was created by some amount of overseeing force. Let's use the example of "God" (the one god, the only god, the almighty, etc.) because single deity creationism is the most popular style of Religion these days (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all using this).

Belief there is one supe mega ultra impossible-to-understand unseen unhamn unknown beyond reach infinite power with or without a form which created the universe and/or controls it like a puppet master controls it's puppets. None of us have ever seen this power for over 2000 years (and some faiths believe we've never seen or heard from it period) but it's definitively there. the justification of it being there is that we're here and we had to come from somewhere.

Like, afterall, the idea that a little bit if matter got out of hand is too far-fetched to believe. But there is definitively an unseen force in an undefined plain of existance that created everything in 7 days and decided that only one being/race should be greater than all the rest is perfect logic.

No wait, God created everything in 6 days then rested for a day, my bad.

Anyway, in my personal opinion, chance is a more logical and believable theory on our existance than an almighty force we've never seen or clearly defined.

Citing epicurus:
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?"

This is a little bit of golden information that ancient greek philosphy has brougth us. Look at it carefully, read it a few times, and think. It discusses the possiblilities of God and the ideals around God. I believe this to be relivent to the argument at hand. Afterall, is God is, what is God?

In a closing note I would like to leave this final comment. I do not deeply believe in a God nor do I believe in no God. I've never mat 'em so I'll say God's not here. But, I'm not as old as the universe.

If god wanted us to believe in God's presence, God would make sure we knew God was here,

Monday, February 9, 2009

Like clockwork...

Every day passes by, people always say exactly what you expect them to say. a no never becomes a yes and a yes never becomes a no. No one ever changes. Constant in their ways and their words. Sometimes they stick with their words so they never seem wrong, sometimes they never change their ways because they feel safe.

I try and be a bit unpredictable, a bit unstable, a bit insane (well, I don't TRY for that last one). With a subtle oddity here and an obscurity there. a statement off the edge and a ind iut the window. Do y'all dig what I'm saying?

You get to know someone and they're always the same. Set in the ways they can't justify, but only execute. I'll never understand it.

Now, I will admit, I have my stubborn moments, but i give everything an extra thought and a chance. I would never deny something forever.

But people always say what you expect them to say and feel how you expect them to feel.

One of these days I hope someone surprises me.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Critical Review: It Sucked

Movies these days are inspiring, they inspire me to go take a shit.

I'm serious, some of the movies they put out these days are terrible, poorly written, brought down to the base form of "Dur, I think like that, they're smart". Bloody terrible. I enjoy the kind of movie that knows it's smarter than me. With a clever plot twists, surprise endings, and maybe a little bit somber too.

But, I went off to a movie last night and the best part was and friend and I going all Mystery Science Theatre 3000 on it (Google it folks :/) It was pure bad and dumb. The people who suggested we see it didn't even enjoy it. That's how bad it was. I won't say the name though, because this applies to most movie these days anyways :/

Don't get me wrong, there are a few diamonds in the rough, but there is alot of rough. The worst part is it's million dollar movies being made, produced, and paid for by us, the happy viewers. Taking up good money.

Oh well,

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Playing chicken with fear itself...

How high can you climb up the ladder until you realize you're too afraid to get down?

I ask this question to all the happy couples out there in the world. See, I've noticed a happy little trend. People pledge love and devotion and rush into everything. What a bloody shame, but everyone does it.

How deep into the vault can you go before you lock yourself in?

A kiss, a touch, a little more... People seem to want to have everything now and have alot of it (that may explain wide spread drug usage). but that's not the worst part, the people then decide to attach emotional feeling to physical notions.

How deep to dive before you realize you can't breathe?

I'm single at the moment, I gave my ex the gift of freedom. I let her fall into all the things I mentioned above then I let her free. Needless to say she felt more like she was free-falling than free, at first.

Hope you all enjoyed todays writting style,

Friday, February 6, 2009

CUF: A simple assumption

Well, Valentines Day is coming up, and so is Friday the 13th. One right before the other (but not in the order which I stated them). I have one little observation about this...


See, follow me on this. Friday the 13th is a day notorious for bad luck and such. I would assume that would mean a few arguments and sour relationships. But the Valentines Day right after it would remind all thos people of love and such things. so they all get happy and together. Then, with the variable of how many couples engage in makeup sex (which one would assume is very high), you can safely say there'll be alot of fucking going on.

And not just that normal "Happy Valentines Day, check out my new edible underwear" fucking that comes with the time of year, but wild crazy makeup sex.

If the Earth tarts a rockin', don't come a knockin'

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Experiment begins...

Target chosen, supplies collected, mental status clear, goal clear, all set.

Referring back to the "Harvest Moon Hypothesis of Love", the experiemtns is ready. Lemme give you a rundown of how things will work.

I will befriend her, be nice to her, give her gifts, etc. (not that I wouldn't do that for anyone anytime anyway) but the twist is, I will be monitoring her progress as time passes. Probably on bi-weekly intervals.

I will determine if by being nice and giving things if she becomes more fond of me. How appearance hinders or affects progress. And many other things.

This experiment will end if she knows it exists or no progress is made in 2 months.

A few variables are in the air though (a matchmaker survey result card, appearance, etc.) and they will be noted when relevant.

Finally, a note to my previous girlfriend, don't scream at me, this is mostly a sociological experiment. and you know I treated you well.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Today is feb4, what is Feb4?

Short for Feburary 4th obviously. But February fourth is a special day. Today I deem to be "International Chill the Fuck Out Day" (ICtFOD), maybe I'll call it IC-FOD.

The point of today is to put your troubles aside (if possible) and kick back. enjoysome neat tunes, Zen out, etc.

Actually, I've lost my Zen. It makes me sad. I used to be soooooo mellow. Just sit back and chill, all day. Of course, not ignoring my work. but I used to be so relaxed.

Now I distress and preach about sociology, philosophy, and psychology. I lost my zen man.

Oh well, today I'm working hard to get it back, and so should you all. Complaints and stressed go to the back burner today, it's Feb4 and we should all just chill the fuck out.

Happy Feb4 all

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I miss hippies...

Hippies had an awesome attitude about everything. I miss them.

Make love not war, a beautiful philosophy...

But what is weird? Weird is today's tastes.

It seems, almost like, people are trying to be sad. Everyone freaks out over simple things, over reacts to little problems, and always with the black makeup. It's sad how sad the sadness is, erm, sad.

all ze anger and ze hating and ze emo. It's terrible. I liked the hippie movement way better. they were too happy, which is much better than too sad. Let's get some flower power up in this bitch.

Up in theis bitch,

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Harvest Moon Hypothesis of Love

Harvest Moon, nice little video game.

Anyway, the hypothesis is that all women like you equally (and minimally) when they first meet you. You spend a long time giving one gifts, talking with them, sharing emotions, etc. after long enough, they love you.

Does this apply to reality?

I am considering testing this theory. not yet, I'd have to gather more supplies, information, and such. But one day.

Now, the main problem is vanity, will vanity be a variable or a constant? Will judgment of appearance overshadow kindness and good will? My thesis is yes, but we'll wait and see.

So, this experiment WILL be carried out in the future, hopefully this blog will still be around for me to share the process and results. In the meantime, I would love initial input and theories from other people.


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Public speaking is the #1 most common fear...

Seriously, why? I don't get it.

I myself feel very comfortable with a mic in my hand and a crowd before me. I say my words, crack a joke, call it a day. Easy stuff.

But apparently public speaking is a major obstacle for people. Sweating and shaking, it makes no sense. What is there to be afraid of? Heckling? Slipping up? Your Appearance?

Let's take these one at a time... shall we?

Heckling is only a public speaking problem for comedians, for everyone else, it's not a problem. If you heckle at a presentation or a political speech, you're thrown out, end of story. So heckling is no problem.

Next is slipping up, why afraid of this? People don't care if you forget the "h" is silent or you use "off" instead of "of". And if they don't care, why should you? You're doing this presentation for them anyway. Plus, if you're not nervous about screwing up, you're less likely to do so. So, chill out.

Then appearance, fuck appearances. You look like what you look like. End of story. Unless you're modeling, forget what you look like and just speak your words.

And many other sub-fears may arise, but they're all irrational. And not irrational like a fear of heights, but irrational like being afraid of vanilla ice cream :/

But, I'm sure you all have your reasons, they just make no sense to me. Public speaking is easy, it just is.

Also, Superbowl Sunday, place your bets!