Monday, May 3, 2010

A jealous and Vengeful God you Say?

Personally, I've never liked the modern depiction of a single deity. This "God" fellow with infinite and unimaginable strength, infinites wisdom, flawless intelligence, perfect omnipresence, etc. He (I think most holy texts say "he", so I'll play along) is a jealous and vengeful god.

I'm not a deity of eternal perfection, but I'm pretty sure Vengeance is a deadly sin, and Jealousy is just, for a lack of a better term, retarded.

Now, don't get me wrong, I neither confirm nor deny the existence of a god, or multiple gods (Fence sitting, oh yeah!) but I certainly don't believe in this concept.

To quote Inherit the Wind... "God created Man in his image, Man then returned the favour". I think that sums up this era's deity. Of course the Romans did this too, but to a greater extent. Lust and greed upon them.

So, let's see what God comes in the year 5000.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Shit I'm Hungry

No blog post today, I'm really hungry all the time for no particular reason.

Also, Instant Noodles mixed with Spam is pretty good.